2006 – 2009 Police Corps NHN

The NHN police force is the 3rd force in the North Holland region, which, in addition to Zaanstreek Waterland and Kennemerland, is working from a decentralized management organization to a central management organization.
The Windows / KA Consolidation project involves a large-scale adaptation to the network, whereby the decentralized servers in the major cities of Den Helder, Alkmaar and Hoorn are being phased out.
This project is also used to bring about a round of cutbacks in the force of 10% in total workplaces and a result of 70% Windows Based Terminals.

The consolidation of group applications is part of the total consolidation project within the Police Corps NHN. After the successful Windows and KA Consolidation, work is underway on the consolidation of some corporate applications, which have been suspended due to the connection with and dependence on KA Consolidation.

-Consultant Customization and advice / Deputy serviceliaison via GCM Consultancy B.V.
-Project leader implementation Corsa (Postal registration system)
-Project leader Replacement Printer Park NHN Corps
-Project leader implementation of new telephone directory